Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Self portrait

When I was a kid, my father used to tell me that life is all about “Knowing Oneself and Respecting Others”. I grew up with this line that eventually became the cornerstone of my philosophy. This thought, along with a creative bent of mind and an undaunted spirit of doing something meaningful in life, influenced me to opt for a career in Social Communication.

My parents have always been the guiding stars in my life. Like a kite in a free flight connected to a string, I am always attached to my parents yet I had enough space to soar. As a result of that in most of the cases turning points in my life have been caused by my own actions. Pursuing the post-graduation study in Development Communication was one of them. This course academically capacitated me with the theoretical know-how to become a professional development communicator. But I believe I rediscovered the true meaning of social communication when I started practicing it as a professional. My field experience and the target populations I have worked with have been the greatest teachers in my life. Working in a country full of diversities like India, I had the privilege to come across people from cross-cutting cultures be it amidst the bustling crowds of Calcutta or the remotest rural bases in South India. At every corner there was a new experience to learn.

Being an Indian and more to it as a Bengali, my life has been laced with beautiful cultural exchanges. For similar reasons I am extremely fascinated by Bengali movies, Bengali theatre and Bengali folk music. These thought provoker often inspires me to express myself through Bengali poetries. A collage of all these interests and abilities always motivates me to become a good communicator. One who is not only appreciated as a good speaker but as a good listener as well, who gives enough space to others and facilitates discussions in a team. For me it is people who make all the difference in my life and I am fortunate to have the gift of memory that helps me to cherish all those moments spent with those unforgettable personalities that had little or big impacts on me.

So far it has been a journey of self-discovery with colors and contradictions. There is a lot to learn, experience and practice. For that I am looking forward to this international exposure that would endow me with new insights. Wisdom that I could bring back to my roots and communicate to the people of my land.

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